Monday, November 22, 2010

Cell Phones!!

Are you looking for a cell phone that is affordable, reliable etc? I may have a solution for that. Copenhagen has a lot of different companies that offer great deals and depending what your plans are, either if you are going to live for a long time in Copenhagen or if you are staying temporarily, there are some options for you. 

If you have brought a phone from your country:

  • Make sure that it is unlocked and that it has the option to use a SIM card.
  • It is necessary that your phone works with GSM 900 and 1800 (Frequency band)
If that is your case and you don't want to get into a contract, you can buy a new SIM card with a number for 100 Kr and get minutes (pay as you go)  basically anywhere. All supermarkets, convenience stores, and kiosks cell minutes. This works, for the greatest part, for anyone, but especially for those who are staying temporarily

If you have moved to Denmark and will stay for a long period I suggest to get a subscription. Subscriptions are for a minimum of 6 months, and you will need to have a CPR number in order to sign up. There are several mobile shops in Copenhagen, one of those is Fona, they carry different models and offer good prices.  TeliaTDC, and Telenor offer different options as well. Shop around, look for good prices, and stay connected to the world!

"In Denmark knowledge is Power..." -Morten Strange

Official name: Kingdom of Denmark
Capital: Copenhagen
National Anthem: There Is A Lovely Land.
Time: Greenwich Mean Time plus one hour (GMT + 0100) with an hour extra during daylight savings.
Country Code: 45
Electricity: 220 volt AC in 50 cycles

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